Pressure ulcer Pressure Ulcer Care at Home in Dubai , also known as bedsores or pressure sores, are a common health concern, especially among individuals with limited mobility or those confined to bed for extended periods. These wounds develop when pressure on the skin restricts blood flow to certain areas of the body, leading to tissue damage and open sores. While pressure ulcers often require medical intervention, there are steps individuals can take at home to diagnose and treat them effectively.

Understanding the Causes of Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers typically develop over bony prominences, such as the heels, hips, elbows, and back, where pressure against the skin is highest. Prolonged pressure, friction, and shear forces can all contribute to the development of these wounds. Additionally, factors such as immobility, poor nutrition, and dehydration can increase the risk of pressure ulcer formation.

Risk Factors Associated with Pressure Ulcers

Several factors can increase an individual's susceptibility to pressure ulcers. These include:

Signs and Symptoms of Pressure Ulcers

Early detection of pressure ulcers is crucial for effective treatment. Common signs and symptoms include: